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Tagged “Kamen Rider Stronger”

  1. All Together! Seven Kamen Riders!! Reposted

    Toei Tokusatsu World only was apparently going to host the special for one day, and it has since been delisted. As such, we've reposted it as a separate torrent and DDL (we're keeping it out of the Stronger batch for...

  2. All Together! Seven Kamen Riders!! Licensed

    Toei has announced that All Together! Seven Kamen Riders!!, the Stronger clip special, will be released subbed on the Toei Tokusatsu World Youtube channel April 5th, and thus we've taken it down and uploaded a new version of the Stronger batch torrents without...

  3. Art of Stronger riding his bike with a shining headlight. Kamen Rider Stronger - Complete Series Batch

    720p Torrent v2 | 480p Torrent v2 720p DDL 1 | 720p DDL 2 | 480p DDL Here's batch torrents containing the full series of Kamen Rider Stronger (episodes 01-39), and the Electrer belt toy commercial. No changes have been made since we originally released these. As a reminder: The series is in 720p 8-bit H.264 with softsubs in the 720p torrent, and 480p 8-bit H.264 with hardsubs in the 480p torrent. Other features besides the series are 10-bit 480p H.264 with softsubs in the 720p torrent. Episodes...

  4. A bunch of kids clustered around Tachibana in the park. All Together! Seven Kamen Riders!!

    Softsub Torrent | Hardsub Torrent Softsub DDL | Hardsub DDL After the Seven Rider's victory over the Delza Army at the end of Stronger, they reunite to face off against one more enemy in their path before they can take their well-earned rest. A new foe, with malicious intent for the Riders... it's a clip show special. Airing the week after Stronger finished airing, "All Together! Seven Kamen Riders!!" is a hour-long recap of the events of the first seven Rider series stitched together...

  5. All seven Riders in a row untransformed. Kamen Rider Stronger - Episodes 37-39 (END)

    Complete Series Batch And as Kamen Rider Stronger comes to a close, here's the trivia MCS-KIT used had in this set of episodes: 37: Takehisa Yamaguchi, who played Riderman, has also guest starred in many Tokusatsu shows such as Kikaider, and Robot Detective to name a few. He also played Daimon Rich in Zaborger! 38: Akiji Kobayashi's final appearance as Tobei Tachibana was in a TV special meant to introduce Skyrider, called "Immortal Kamen Rider Special." He reprised the role in voice...

  6. Tachibana: "Now this is the kind of camaraderie between Riders I've always wanted." Kamen Rider Stronger - Episodes 33-36

    Complete Series Batch And here we enter into the final stretch! Episode 35 onwards begins a final arc which has the return of all six previous Riders (#1, #2, V3, Riderman, X, and Amazon) as played by their original actors, for the one time that all seven of the original era of Showa Riders have had their actors in-person on-stage for the same production! Enjoy! In this batch of episodes and onwards, the [MC-KIT] subs we used as a source included relevant trivia to the episode during the...

  7. Natsume from Kamen Rider Decade (facing KR Stronger): "Let's fight until the day Tackle becomes Kamen Rider Tackle!" Kamen Rider Stronger – Episodes 29-32

    Complete Series Batch Thanks to Midnight Crew Subs and KITsubs for the materials used in this release!...

  8. A picture of Dead Lion edited onto a milk carton with "Missing: Have You Seen Me, If found, contact Great Leader" on it. Kamen Rider Stronger – Episodes 25-28

    CONTENT WARNING: Episode 25 features black musical performers in stereotypical tribal costume in a stage show, and the episode intentionally depicts their performance as threatening and, for lack of a better term, savage. Complete Series Batch Thanks to Midnight Crew Subs and KITsubs for the materials used in this release!...

  9. The advertisment for the Kamen Rider Stronger Transformation belt, showing the toy and announcing it was made by Popy. Kamen Rider Stronger – Episodes 21-24

    Complete Series Batch Included in this week's batch is a translated version of the original vintage commercial for the toy of the Electrer, Stronger's transformation belt. This uses a new translation by Midnight Crew Subs and a 10-bit H.264 480p DVD RAW courtesy of Bunny Hat RAWs. (The hardsub version is 8-bit like the rest of our Stronger release.) Enjoy the technobabble about the transformation process! This also marks with episode 21 the end of the new V2 translations from Midnight Crew. From...

  10. Titan from Stronger's apparel with a poncho and pistol compared to Darryl from OK KO Let's Be Heroes wearing a cowboy outfit. Kamen Rider Stronger – Episodes 17-20

    Complete Series Batch Thanks to Midnight Crew Subs and KITsubs for the materials used in this release!...

  11. General Shadow with one leg perched on something. Kamen Rider Stronger – Episodes 13-16

    Complete Series Batch Thanks to Midnight Crew Subs and KITsubs for the materials used in this release!...

  12. An elderly man holding up Tachibana's hand and shouting "God has finally given me an ally!" Tachibana looks unsure about this. Kamen Rider Stronger - Episodes 09-12

    An unfortunate content warning for episode 11: two characters portrayed by Japanese actors that are the royal family of a non-specific Middle Eastern nation are depicted in broad caricature, in both costume and makeup. Complete Series Batch Thanks to Midnight Crew Subs and KITsubs for the materials used in this...

  13. Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC) and Kamen Rider Stronger Releases

    We recently got reports of issues with some of our soft-subbed videos (at the least the recent Stronger files) having issues on the popular Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC) player on Windows for some people. (Other players such as VLC are not affected as far as we know.) In these cases, some fonts don't load correctly from the MKV files and cause results similar to this on the Kamen Rider Stronger title card: We didn't catch this for a number of reasons (everyone either uses a different...

  14. Kamen Rider Stronger standing atop a rock. Kamen Rider Stronger - Episodes 05-08

    Complete Series Batch Not found in these episodes: Tachibana Tobei's dignity. Thanks to Midnight Crew Subs and KITsubs for the materials used in this release!...

  15. Kamen Rider Stronger standing absolutely still like a mannequin while a sparkler goes off behind him. Kamen Rider Stronger - Episodes 01-04

    Complete Series Batch We're pleased to announce a new ongoing project of ours in collaboration with Midnight Crew Subs: An HD version of Kamen Rider Stronger. Kamen Rider Stronger is a Rider series with the notable first example of a super-powered woman as the secondary hero in the franchise. There's a lot to love and be frustrated by with Tackle in this series, not the least of which is the perplexing choice to never give her formal Rider status. There are many instances where Tackle is treated...

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